BULLETIN: Welcome to Winter!
Start checking the Events Page for upcoming fun runs.
Discovery Bay, CA 94505
Next Meeting: Thursday March 6, 2025
Board Meeting: 6:30 PM
Membership Meeting: 7:30 PM
Discovery Bay Yacht Club – Bilge Room
5871 Marina Rd
Discovery Bay, CA 94505
Located in Northern California’s Delta Region, the Discovery Bay Corvette Club was established in 1989. The original club had fifteen members, and we now have grown to over 100 members.
The primary purpose of the club is to encourage ownership of Corvettes, exchange ideas, general information, and technical data relative to Corvettes and Corvette ownership.
But mostly we just like to get out and drive ‘em!
Many Discovery Bay Corvette members are also proud members of the Western States Corvette Council, and the club actively supports WSCC sanctioned Corvette events throughout the year. Car shows, fun runs, rallies, and other club sponsored events are used to further the comradery of Corvette ownership, and generate proceeds for donation to various charities.
Come join the fun!